Has 2022 left you in a financial rough spot? You’re not alone. Right now, thousands of Americans are struggling to meet ends meet during a period of economic inflation. If you’re looking for a way to cut down on your expenses, window film for your Los Angeles home can help. Here’s how.


Ways Window Film Can Save You Money in 2022

Just when we thought things were starting to settle down post pandemic in 2022, the cost of living shot through the roof. Home prices are unbelievably high. Gas is so expensive that you might as well walk. And interest rates are going up. On top of all this, the costs for electricity and natural gas are higher than they’ve been in years. All of this means added expense for homeowners.

While we don’t have a way to solve all these problems, we do have a suggestion that can help you save money: window film for your Los Angeles home! Below, we’ve discussed some of the ways that window tinting can help you save.


Save on Cooling Costs

In Los Angeles, summer temperatures can reach as high as 93 degrees. On a hot day, you can bet that your air conditioning is working overtime to keep your home cool. This, of course, requires more power, which means higher utility bills. Window film can help your HVAC system operate more efficiently by keeping heat out of your home. With temperatures cooler and more consistent, your A/C won’t have to turn on as often or run for as long, saving you money.


Use Less Electricity

Another way that window film can help you save is by increasing the amount of natural light in your home. Instead of using electricity powered light sources, you can use the sunlight to illuminate your interior. Window tint draws light deeper into the room while keep infrared heat and UV rays out of your home.


Contact Us for Window Film in Los Angeles

 Call our office today to get a quote on window film for your Los Angeles home.

Angus Faith is a world traveler, architecture lover, window film aficionado. Angus' love of travel led him to become interested in architecture at a young age. After graduating with his college degree, he obtained a position at a local architectural firm and developed an acquaintance with numerous interior designers and construction companies in the area. This is how he was first introduced to the concept of using window film as an alternative to window replacement. Later, when he moved to Los Angeles, Angus obtained a position at Los Angeles Window Film. He has now worked in the tinting industry for over a decade and has overseen numerous commercial and residential projects. Angus' vast familiarity with all the different types of window film as well as leading brands like 3M, LLumar, and Vista give him the expert ability to select the perfect film for every building and every customer.