UV Blocking Film in Los Angeles

UV Protection Benefits of Window Film for Los Angeles

While it can be nice to enjoy the natural beauty and warmth of the sun, it’s also important to understand the risks of too much sunlight. Over exposure to uv rays from the sun can have negative effects on human health and also leads to fading in furniture and flooring. And Los Angeles receives over 280 days of sun per year, which means residents have to be cautious about uv radiations. That’s why window film is a choice that makes sense for Los Angeles. Window film has the uv protection power of SPF 1000 and is a smart choice for homes and businesses alike.

Keep colors vibrant & beautiful

If you’ve ever left a beach towel or article of clothing out in the sun for too long, then you understand the effect that uv rays can have on colors. UV rays cause a process called photodegradation in which dyes and colors are broken down and lose their beautiful vibrant appearance. Most often the effects of uv rays can be seen on wooden floors, carpet, and furnishings. But with window tint, you can keep your space looking beautiful and vibrant. Window tint blocks out 99.9% of uv rays, allowing your furniture to look newer for a longer period of time.


Protect occupant health

It’s well known that too much sun can have negative effects on our skin and health, most often the result of which is a painful sunburn. But few people realize that we’re also exposed to uv rays indoors from sunlight entering our office or home windows. Over the years, all this exposure to uvs can result in skin cancer, eye disease, and other health risks. Window tint keeps uv rays outdoors where they belong and helps protect occupant health.

Receive an Estimate on Window Film in Los Angeles

Get the protection you need for your home or office today. Call Los Angeles Window Film to receive an estimate on window tinting in Los Angeles or the surrounding area.

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